Monday, July 17, 2006

Angela Nanney ROCKS!

Angela Nanney heard me speak at the CUNA HR/TD Conference in April. She promptly recommended me to speak at the San Antonio chapter of ASTD and HRMA. She's also given my name to Barry Rellaford, a trainer with CoveyLink. He and I had a great conversation a few weeks ago about our work and our shared use of movies in our training.

Angela has opened a lot of doors for me, and I am grateful for her help!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

I loves me some bloggin'

I have entered the blogosphere! I thought they were just a passing fad, like pet rocks or cell phones. But I've seen the light! I really value in the comments and wisdom from some of my favorite bloggers, including Doug True at FORUM Solutions and Seth Godin. I walk a few thousand steps behind them, though. Thanks for taking a trip through Andy's Brain!